We have got small business covered

More than just accounts, we are more like little business helpers.
Get the most from your accountant call 2&2-4U

2&2-4U business accounting services will save you time and worry, so you can focus on your business.Running a business, servicing clients, marketing, staffing, managing business relationships can be overwhelming.

This often leaves little time for managing your financial affairs effectively causing difficulties in your businesses ability to grow. Sharon, a certified accountant and tax agent, will take care of your accounting problems so you can focus on what’s important, you know.. running the business.

Keep your business in motion with 2&2-4U 2&2-4U understands small usiness. We get how important it is to keep your accounts maintained. 2&2-4U know how to create plans and budgets that assist your business to run smoothly and grow, without losing control and confidence in your business’s financial and tax affairs.

Know that with 2&2-4U on the job all your accounts will be in order.

For a new start-up’s and SME’s, 2&2-4U provides the high quality business accounting advice. Being flexible we allow you to focus on what you need to: Your business!

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    Monthly and quarterly reporting
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    Cash flow statements
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    GST/BAS preparation and lodgements
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    Tax return preparation and lodgement (company, partnership, trust)
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    Tax planning
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    Company and Superannuation Tax
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    New business start-up

Small business book keeping services at $100 per month



Let's Talk...

Complete the form below or call us on 0420 977 078 for a no obligation, no cost quote.